NQ Complementary Therapies

Swedish Body Massage, Reflexology and Aromatherapy in Brighton and Hove

Complementary Therapy is the practice of achieving mental, emotional & physical balance or homeostasis.

Therapies I offer: Massage, Reflexology and Aromatherapy using essential oils

Whichever of these therapies you choose I will carry out a thorough consultation to ensure your safety and the most effective course of treatment for you. Initially I will ask you to fill out a Medical and Lifestyle form before attending your first appointment as there are some medical conditions which can prevent a treatment taking place. And particularly if you are coming for Aromatherapy, I will need to tailor a blend specifically for your conditions.

Completing this form in advance also allows me to ensure that once in the treatment room all the time that you have paid for is spent delivering the treatment. I do build in some consultation time during the session which is not charged to the client so that I can take into consideration any changes to your current conditions that may affect the planned session.

YOUR 1ST appointment

Please be aware that before coming for your first treatment please do not drink alcohol, smoke or take other intoxicants and do not eat a large meal within 2 hours before your appointment. Could you please remove any jewellery or piercings and wear loose fitting clothing. You will need to be comfortable to have the treatment in just your pants but don’t worry as most of your body will be covered with towels during the session.

If you are having reflexology and wearing trousers then make sure they can be rolled above the knee without being tight so please don’t wear jeans or leggings. And if you have having Aromatherapy then make sure you wear old clothes that you don’t mind getting oily as the treatment is most effective if you leave the oils on for at least 6 hours afterwards.

Usually the aftereffect of any of these therapies is to feel relaxed, sleepy and hopefully blissed out but sometimes some people do experience what we call ‘Contra Actions’ these can include but are not limited to the following – Headache, dizziness, tiredness, aches and pains, nausea, an increase in urination or defecation, an increase in thirst or hunger, skin breakouts.


After a session it is important to stay hydrated, rest, eat lightly, avoid alcohol and other toxins such as smoking and not to do any strenuous activities or exercise for the rest of that day if possible. Some of the possible side-effects are just a sign that the treatment is working and nothing to worry about but if you are at all concerned or have any serious symptoms please see a doctor and let me know. If you do experience any of the contra actions listed above they will usually go in under 24 hours.

If you have a severe skin reaction to any oils or mediums used please contact me and see a doctor as you may have had an allergic reaction. Also if any of the oils that are photosensitive are used in the blend I will discuss this with you as it would be important to stay out of direct sunlight until the oils are washed off.

The treatment rooms I use are in the New England Quarter of Central Brighton and very near the main train station and a short walk from bus routes and the North Laine area. Parking is also available nearby. The rooms are modern, private, clean and quiet and there are toilet facilities.

To book a therapy please see the Pricing List and email me.


To book a therapy session please email me using the contact form. State which therapy you require and give 3 dates in order of preference and with flexible times if possible and I will get back to you as soon as possible to confirm a booking.

I will then email you a medical and lifestyle form to fill in and return before your appointment. This information will be by a secure email and all client information is kept according to GDPR regulations. If you need to cancel please do so no less than 48hrs beforehand otherwise payment will be taken.

I book extra time around the actual treatment time to allow for consultation so that you know you will always receive the full amount of time that you have paid for.

©2022 Naomi Queree

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